Today in the mail I received a box containing not one, but three wedding dresses. Both Toby (the cat) and I realized the rarity of this event. He envied the empty box while I twirled and swirled in each dress individually. It is the perfect way to select a wedding dress: wearing one's sheepskin slippers, tossing your bathrobe out of the way so you can see the mirror, feeling the new May-day breeze wafting through the open window.
It's as hard to imagine what my "big day" will be like in September. It's hard to imagine what the rest of my life will be like. But for now, I am content to fold the beautiful rejected dresses and close them up in a box, and to take my favorite, my dream-day dress, and hang it in the closet after I brush off the cat hair that already accumulates on the hem.