Dear Reader,
First, thank you for reading.
Many of you know I write two blogs: this one, and Philosophy Road. Recently I have had several people ask, why the two blogs?
In permaculture, we say that if you have to explain yourself, then it's usually due to poor design. So, yes, my blogs are poorly designed.
Philosophy Road was supposed to be Phil's and my joint-blog effort, mostly narrating our learning process and life in the yurt. This was a poor design from the start because Phil has very little access to computers, and also a little less computer know-how. So, I've tried to keep the distinction, but it's also turned into just me writing two blogs.
So, after a week of stress and wanting to cut corners off every facet of my active life, I've decided that I will retire the WoodlandninjaChronicles blog, and switch all my efforts to one blog - namely PhilosophyRoad.
I've had this blog a year now, and my life has taken some turns, and I've been joined as one with Squirrel. So, I let this go. Read what you like, skip what you don't. I'll start transitioning, and probably delete the whole thing next week.
So, for further blogging by Heidi, and maybe sometimes Phil, go to:
Again, thank you for following along.
the WoodlandNinja